Monday 11 April 2011

Keil's Den - First Walk of the Year

The grain of the wood on this fallen tree makes a wonderful natural sculpture. Gorse is flowering in the background.
We had put off a walk through Keil's Den because it can be muddy slippery underfoot in wet weather, so this was the first time that we had visited this year. Early Spring flowers were in bloom particulaly celandine and wood anemones, but there were also small clumps of primroses and wood sorrel.
A carpet of wood anemones clothing the banks of the Keil Burn
Dog's mercury. (Mecurialis perennis). At first sight this plant appears to have no flowers, but on closer inspection there are small flower spikes. Although it doesn't contain mercury, it is poisonous, the poison being in the volatile oil from the plant.
Great wood-rush (Luzula sylvatica). This plant is widespread near the burn in Keil's Den.

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