Wednesday 30 January 2013

First Bulbs of the Year in Flower

Aconite in flower at the back of the Temple car park in Lower Largo.
Although very windy the temperature has gone up and the snow on Largo Law has almost disappeared. Bulbs are beginning to flower.
Behind the aconite the green shoots of snowdrops.
In the Serpentine Walk there are several clumps of snowdrops along the path that are almost out.
Snowdrops tucked into the base of a tree.
A patch of snowdrops catches the afternoon sun.


Stefan Jansson said...

That looks early I will not be able to shoot something similar for a few months.

Largo observer said...

Thank you for your comment. End of January to early February is probably the usual time for the first snowdrops here, but I think you are quite a lot further north. Where you are looks very beautiful in the snow.