Monday 18 March 2013

Goldfinches and Teasel Seed Heads

With the return of wintry showers this morning, the bird feeders were busy with a variety of birds, amongst them a group (or charm) of goldfinches. I include nyger seeds in the feeders which they love, but some of them made for the teasel seed heads. Their thin beaks are ideal for getting the tiny seeds out from between the spines of the seed heads.


MJ said...

I love using teasel in floral arrangements. Lovely image with the finch as well. They look a little different with their red faces than the gold and black American version here in the US midwest.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I would love to ave bird feeders but not until my cats are gone.

Largo observer said...

Many thanks for the comments.
I hadn't seen a photo of the American goldfinch before but it is a very striking bird and truly golden in colour.