Sunday 26 April 2015

Keil's Den Spring 2015

A beautiful morning in Keil's Den - sun shining, birds singing and beside the burn, near to the new bridge, carpets of wood anemone.

Wood anemone  (Anemone nemorosa)

From the sturdy new bridge can see the old stepping stones and even although it's been an exceptionally dry April so far, some of the stones are under water, so the bridge is a welcome improvement.
Here and there patches of primroses and violets.
A bright yellow-green patch close to the middle bridge in the den. I think that this is golden saxifrage.
It is a plant that grows in damp places, like the banks of a burn. There are two species - Chrysosplenium oppositifolium has opposite pairs of leaves on the main stem, whilst Chrysosplenium alternifolia has its leaves arranged alternately and is much less common.
Bluebells on the bank of a small burn. However, the bluebells are not all out yet particularly in the upper slopes of the den and they should be at their best in a week or two.
Blackthorn was in full flower. The blossom comes out before the leaves.
Walking back into Lundin Links along the path that runs beside a field a pony came to say hello and pose for a picture,
 ..... and was joined by a friend.
I love this view looking back to the den with Largo Law beyond. The lower slopes of the Law are clothed in yellow gorse at present.

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