Sunday 26 May 2013

Acorn Bank in Spring

Have made many visits to Acorn Bank, the National Trust property near Temple Sowerby in Cumbria, and a favourite spot, but nearly always in the autumn, so it was good to see it in May with the spring flowers blooming.
The orchard with apple blossom and narcissi flowering in the grass.
Beautiful colour on the trees at the entrance to the main driveway.
A bank of bluebells catches the evening sun.
Marsh marigolds also known as kingcups line the banks of the a little stream.

There were also forget-me-nots.....
..... and drifts of wild garlic.


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Love the flowers; however I think the shot of the trees s my fave.

Largo observer said...

Thanks, it's mine as well.